Who collects my garbage?

Garbage collection is handled by Vogel Disposal Service and is paid for by the Borough through tax dollars. The garbage collection schedule and collection holidays can be found by clicking on each highlighted word. 

Garbage must be placed outside the garage door by 7 AM. The garbage collector will not return for missed garbage if trash is not out by 7 AM or if the driveway is blocked by a vehicle or other obstruction. The garbage collector works Monday through Friday except on major holidays which can cause collections to be postponed by one day. Changes in the garbage collection schedule are always printed in the quarterly newsletter and noted on the Borough website. It is always a good idea to cut out any such article and save as a reminder. The collector only takes household garbage, bulk items not weighing more than 45 pounds, and two bags of grass per week. If trash is placed outside by 7 AM and collection is missed, please contact Vogel Disposal Service directly at 855/ 494-3345.